Contributors to newPIC research projects

External contributors

Here is a list of faculty members who are not positioned at PSB,
and contribute to newPIC projects.

Estelle BergerAlbane GrandazziPierre LanirayPatrick LlérénaIoana OcnarescuFrédérique PainNajma SaidaniJean-Paul SusiniFrancoisXavier de Vaujany

Estelle BERGER

Dr. Estelle BERGER

Design researcher, STRATE - Ecole de design

 Doctorate, Design and applied arts, Univ. Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (2014)

Estelle BERGER follows a twin activity as freelance designer and factulty at STRATE, Ecole de Design.

Estelle develops pluridisciplinary research projects in partnership with the industry and academic research centers. She focuses on technological devices, on sustainable development and on design-based innovation processes.

As a freelancer, Estelle focuses on cultural implications of design, and ways of working / living. History, geopolitics, and human sciences provide variables to articulate such multifactoral analysis.

The subsequent activities and interactions develop in a pluridisciplinary environment, in a complex ecosystem. Ethical implications for the societal impacts of the designer's posture have also to be part of the investigation and demand a reflexive analysis of practical ways of working.

Research topics:
-- Reflexive practices on the designer's ways of working
-- Innovation by design
-- Design thinking



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx



 Dr in mamagenemnt (org. theory) (Univ. Paris Dauphine, 2018)
 Master in mamagenemnt (org. theory) (Univ. Paris Dauphine, 2015)

Albane GRANDAZZI has been a member of board of the RGCS network between 2015 and 2018. She is curently a visiting post-doc in different universities and a contributor to the research project headed by Helene Bussy-Socrate, and commissioned by DREES (French Minstry of social affairs).

Research topics:
-- collaborative spaces
-- org. theory
-- phenomenology



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx


Dr. Pierre LANIRAY

 Dr in mamagenemnt (org. theory) (Univ. Paris Dauphine, 2015)

Pierre LANIRAY is currently Associate professor (Maitre de conférences) at Paris Dauphine University, and a member of the CEREGE research lab (IAE de Poitiers, where he had his former position). He is a founding member of the RGCS network.

Pierre contributes to the research project headed by Helene Bussy-Socrate, and commissioned by DREES (French Minstry of social affairs).

Research topics:
-- organization theory and information systems
-- professional identities
-- sociological approach to work practices



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx


Pr. Patrick LLERENA

Professor (economics), University of Strasbourg
General director and CEO, Fondation Université de Strasbourg

Patrick LLERENA develops his research at BETA, CNRS UMR 7522, Univ. of Strasbourg.

Patrick LLERENA has been a member of the I4G (Innovation for Growth) High level economic expert group of the European Commission (Directorate General for Research and Innovation) since 2011. He has been also the co-coordinator (with B. Verspagen, from UNU-MERIT) of the European Network of Excellence 'DIME' since May 2005, and a member of the Kuratorium hof of the ISI-Fraunhofer Institute since 2003.

Patrick LLERENA is the author of 45+ articles in scientific journals, 7 books and special issues of scientific journals, 60+ articles in edited books, and 40+ research reports; Patrick contributes to 5-10 academic conferences per year. Patrick lectures at the Univ of Strasbourg at M1 and M2 levels.

Patrick LLERENA contributes to the research project "Open innovation in global firms", and to the expert group about Open Labs co-organized by newPIC and ANRT / FutuRIS.

Research topics:
-- Scientific and innovation policies (international comparisons)
-- Innovation economics, Economics of science
-- Theories of the firm and of organization
-- Decision theory under uncertainty



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx



Design researcher, STRATE - Ecole de design

 PhD in industrial engineering (design)
(Arts et Métiers Paristech, 2013)

After an engineering degree and a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics at the Ecole Polytechnique, Ioana consolidates her professional journey with an Industrial Design and Innovation Management Master at Strate College. Her desire to design and to understand the role of this discipline for industry, leads her to do a professional PhD in the User Experience Design team of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France in collaboration with LCPI Laboratory Arts et Métiers ParisTech.

During her PhD, Ioana focused on cultural aspects of innovation driven by design and subjective experience of researchers in an R&D department. She is interested in how multidisciplinary projects become remarkable and memorable for innovation actors. Today Ioana is a faculty at Strate Collège (Design Research and Innovation department).

Research topics:
-- Experience design
-- Design thinking
-- Innovation studies



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx

Frederique PAIN

Frédérique PAIN

Design research and innovation director, STRATE - Ecole de design

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.

Frédérique PAIN contributes to the expert group about Open Labs co-organized by the newPIC chair and ANRT / FutuRIS.

Research topics:
-- Innovation by Design
-- Innovation management
-- Design strategy



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx



 Dr in management (org. theory) (Univ. Paris Dauphine, 2016)
 PhD, Computer Information systems (Georgia State Univ., 2016)
 MSc. Consulting in Business and IT (Univ. Paris Dauphine, 2011)

Najma SAIDANI is currently an Assistant professor of management (information systems) at NEOMA business school.

Najma contributes to the research project headed by Helene Bussy-Socrate, and commissioned by DREES (French Minstry of social affairs).

Research topics:
-- organization theory
-- computer information systems
-- dark side of information systems



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx

Jean-Paul Susini

Jean-Paul SUSINI, PhD

Assoc. Professor

 PhD in management (Hokkaido Univ, Japan);
 Master of Arts in International Marketing Management (Otaru Univ., Japan)

Jean-Paul Susini lectures about Supply chain and Purchasing management at ESG MS. His research develops in purchasing strategy and process, innovation management, social media and knowledge diffusion. Jean-Paul's has now a position as Associate professor of Management and Head of accreditation at ISC Paris, one of PSB competitors. He is also Supply chain director in the startup Otzii, and an administrator in ISK Consulting SA (Luxembourg).
Jean-Paul fluently works in French (mother tongue), English, and Japanese.

Research topics:
-- purchasing strategy and process
-- innovation studies
-- knowledge diffusion



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx
   jps (at)


Pr. François Xavier de VAUJANY

 Agrégation des universités in management, 2007
 HDR. in management (org. theory) (Univ. xxxx, 2006)
 Dr in management (org. theory) (Univ. Lyon 3, 2001)

François Xavier de VAUJANY is Full professor of Management, with a position at PSL Paris Dauphine University (DRM, UMR CNRS 7088) in the research team in Management and Organizations (M&O). He is also the founder and president of the RGCS Network. He currently acts as a member of the scientific committees for the journals Managemnt International and Mngement.The organizer of numerous tracks (EGOS, OAP, ST-AIMS, etc.) and conferences (RGCS, etc.), he is also the author of a long list of academic articles and edited books.

Francois Xavier contributes to the research project headed by Helene Bussy-Socrate, and commissioned by DREES (French Minstry of social affairs).

Research topics:
-- Digital innovation
-- New collaborative organizational forms for entrepreneurship
-- Legitimacy
-- Phenomenology, practice-based approach



ORCID ID = 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx